All quotes from Brian Swimme’s

How is it that a planet that’s molten rock gives birth to all these amazing lifeforms?

Once we emerged in Africa, we spread out in all directions. And then, very, very, very rapidly, we encircled the Earth. And now we have, with our own development, we have created a thin envelope of thought around the planet called the noösphere.

I am not saying that humanity is more valuable or important than other species of life. Not in the least. What I am saying is that humanity has brought something new to the evolution of Earth.

We have the power, starting with squiggly lines on a rock wall, to embed our best insights in forms that endure through the centuries, so that we have an accumulating knowledge; we have an ongoing developing mind. This is what enabled humans to explode in their power.

We send messages from our brain to the muscles around our eyeballs in order to determine what to look at. Well, the same thing is going on with the Webb. Technicians at NASA are sending electronic signals to the sensitive instruments of Webb. Webb is the eye, humanity is the mind. We have this spectacular example of what is possible when humans unite around a common aim.