It is absolutely absurd to say that we came into this world. We didn’t. We came out of it.
Everything that we know about living organisms from the standpoint of the sciences shows us that we grow out of this world, that we—each one of us—are what you might call symptoms of the state of the universe as a whole.
Look: here is a tree in the garden, and every summer it produces apples. And we call it an “apple tree” because the tree apples; that’s what it does. Alright, now here is a solar system inside a galaxy, and one of the peculiarities of this solar system is that—at least on the planet Earth—the thing peoples, in just the same way that an apple tree apples.
We grow out of this world in exactly the same way that the apples grow on the apple tree.
Our normal sensation of ourselves as isolated egos inside a bag of skin is a hallucination. It really is; it’s absolutely nutty.
He finds out that you, your behavior, is not something that can be separated from the behavior of the world around you. He realizes, then, that “you” are something that the whole world is doing.
The external world is your own body, extended.