I can no longer regard the terrestrial human except as the natural and local, and for the moment the most advanced, product of a trend that embraces the totality of matter, and time, and space.
I refused to accept a divorce between ‘natural’ and ‘artificial;’ and, further and even more important, I became alive to the sense of the creative, additive, and hereditary element in the common outlook (Weltanschauung) slowly developed in the mind of man by all forms of research.
If you tell me that mankind can be regarded, at this moment, as a species that is disintegrating or has reached its ceiling, then I deny it absolutely.
The final and complete reflection of the universe upon itself in a meeting between the above of heaven and the ahead of earth—in other words, proceeding from the same movement, a God who makes himself cosmic and an evolution which makes itself person.
In reflecting upon itself, cosmogenesis is coming more and more rapidly, starting with the human, to take on the characteristics of a self-evolution, every later advance of the universe in the direction of maximum complexity-consciousness henceforth requires that man feel himself to be interiorly supported by an ever more resolute will to press on: a will no ultimate prospect of a total death may intervene to discourage—but a will, on the contrary, which, from its very deepest roots, is spurred into action by an overpowering passion.