Man himself, apart from his immortal soul, is of the works of nature. Of Nature as an immediate cause.
The body, despite its being of the four elements adjusted nicely to a ‘constitution,’ has no powers of its own. It does not work; it is worked. What it does is the effect not of itself but of a tenant in it. Matter was for him and his time an inert substratum. Today it is a system of rushing units; a hive of self-maintained activity, a population of electric charges, spinning, attracting, repelling, circling a million million times a second.
A harmony is a compound of its parts. The total form is an individual, an indivisible unity in itself. It is a cause of harmony. It makes the parts of the body a harmony.
The form, having separate existence as it has, is itself a ‘substance.’ It is a substance from the stars, from the stars above the planets. Its provenance is celestial.