All quotes from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s

There is much talk nowadays of a curved universe, or of an explosive universe. But why not rather of a self-arranging universe—and one that arranges itself, I mean, not simply in the geometric and indefinite way in which a crystal does so, but in the organic and centred (‘synergic’) way proper to the chemical, cellular, and zoological particles of which we ourselves form a part?

If matter is left to itself, in a sufficient mass and for a sufficient length of time, and in suitable conditions of temperature and pressure, it always in the end, through the effect of chance and large numbers, becomes viatlized: as though by statistical necessity it found in its supremely improbable direction the only higher form of equilibrium that could satisfy it.

To judge by our own planetary mesh, the universe may legitimately be regarded, in its totality, as an immense system which is organico-psychically converging upon itself.

There are three zones in the solidarity produced by the stream of universal convergence: the lower zone of physico-chemical interdependence between inanimate bodies; the zones of ‘symbiotic’ relationships between living beings; and finally the higher zone of the reflective interaction of free agents.

If it can in fact be realized, we shall never be able to escape it.

At no moment of history has man been so completely involved (both actively and passively), through the very foundations of his being, in the value and betterment of all those around him, as he is today. And all the evidence indicates that this regime of interdependence can only become more pronounced in the course of the coming centuries.

As we realize with excitement that socialization is gradually enclosing us in a network not of conventions but of organic bonds, we begin mentally to appreciate the true greatness and gravity of man’s condition.