All quotes from Alan Watts’

When you thoroughly go into experience—for example, when you’re listening to a concert—and you are really absorbed in the concert, you don’t think while you’re sitting there, “I am listening to the music,” “I am improving my culture by being at this concert.” No. You, as it were, become the music in listening to it. And in this moment you are one with your experience.

You know, there are limits to thinking. It’s like boiling an egg or cooking a soufflé. If you boil an egg too long, it becomes much too hard. If you cook a soufflé too long in the oven, it’s absolutely ruined. And there’s a moment to stop. And so with thinking: we can think and think and think, and worry and worry and worry over certain problems, but beyond a certain point, thinking about it any more just makes things more and more confused.