All quotes from David Bohm’s

The Earth is one household, really. And we’re not treating it that way, right? So that’s the first step in economics: is to say the Earth is one household, and all that it depends on—it’s all one, you see? Now, the implicate order would help us to see that: to see everything enfolds everything. Everybody not merely depends on everybody, but actually everybody is everybody in a deeper sense. See, we are the Earth because all our substance comes from the Earth and goes back. It’s wong to say it’s an environment, to say it’s just surrounding us, because that would be like the brain regarding the stomach as part of its environment.

We have got to change our way of thinking. You see, over many thousands of years we have had a fragmentary way of thinking: of breaking everything up into nations and religions and families and people as if they were independent—when they are not. You see, it’s a false, incoherent way of thinking.

People have to participate to make a cooperative effort to have a dialogue—a real dialogue—in which we will not merely exchange opinions, but actually listen deeply to the views of other people without resistance. And we cannot do this if we hold to our own opinion and resist the other. It doesn’t mean we should accept the other, but we have to be able to look at all the opinions suspended, as it were, in front of us without carrying them out, without suppressing them.

I think science has begun to replace religion as the major source of the world view. And therefore, if science takes a fragmentary world view, it will have a profound effect on consciousness.

We are internally related to everything, not externally related. Consciousness is an internal relationship to the whole. We take in the whole and we act toward the whole. And whatever we have taken in determines basically what we are.

Now the mother-planet is facing the limitation. So therefore it is showing us some kind of warning. So therefore, now I think the reality, the situation, the reality itself, now telling us: human being or humanity must work together with sort of common ground, or common aim, and with sense of responsibility.