All quotes from Terence McKenna’s

I don’t know what the transformation means; this rushing together of everything. But I think without knowing what it means, you can convince yourself that it’s there. It’s just nobody has chronicled it, or no official agency has pointed out that things are developing faster and faster. Things are growing together faster and faster. Connections are being formed faster and faster. The evolution of language, technology, understanding of the self—these things are just spinning into a tizzy. And it will not go away. It will go through, it will break through, to something else. And we may have to shed the present human guiding image, we may have to shed the monkey body. We have to be open, very open. What is happening on this planet, if you stand off by a nearby star and look at it, is: there is information loose on this planet. A gene swarm of replicating information which has become so complexified that it now generates swarms of epigenetic information—meaning: books, architectures, mythologies, all of these things. And information is liberating itself.