According to Hegel, the only unity which will be adequate to meet the requirement is “a unity which is not only in the individuals, but also for the individuals.” Now there is only one unity known to us in experience or conceivable by us in which the unity can be for the individuals which are its parts, and that is the system of conscious individuals.

The Ultimate Unity for Thought is the Society of Minds (1906)

Portrait of William Henry Chamberlin

William Henry Chamberlin

February 12, 1870 – May 9, 1921

William Henry Chamberlin Jr. was an American Mormon philosopher, theologian, and educator. His teachings and writings worked to reconcile Mormonism with the theory of evolution. He taught philosophy and ancient languages as well as science and math at several Latter-day Saints (LDS) institutions including Brigham Young University in the early 20th century. He was one of four educators at Brigham Young University whose teaching of evolution and attempts to reconcile it with Mormon thought, although strongly popular with students, generated controversy among university officials and the LDS community. Chamberlin has been called "Mormonism's first professionally trained philosopher and theologian."


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