Instead of considering the body as a mere device designed to fuel and contain the mind (a device that can be replaced with a vat or a robot, for example), one must consider the mind as serving the self-sustaining needs of a surviving body.

Why Is Anything Conscious? (2023)

Portrait of Michael Timothy Bennett

Michael Timothy Bennett

Computer Scientist and Researcher

Michael Timothy Bennett is an Australian computer scientist and researcher at the Australian National University, known for his work on artificial general intelligence (AGI). His research blends philosophical arguments, mathematical proofs, and experimental methods to explore the principles of intelligence. Bennett's contributions have garnered recognition, including best paper awards at the 2023 and 2024 AGI conferences, and his work has been featured in Newsweek, Quillette, The Conversation, and by Sabine Hossenfelder.

Originally a musician, Bennett co-founded and served as COO of Eigen Technologies in London and worked in game development on prominent franchises such as The Sims, Sniper Elite, and Total War. His unconventional academic path includes degrees in music (Queensland Conservatorium), management science (London Business School), and computer science (Australian National University), reflecting a transdisciplinary approach that informs his AGI research.

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