Face Your Problems Head-On
Life’s a cosmic game of peek-a-boo where the universe playfully startles itself. Embrace the depths psychedelics reveal, for they’re just the bedrock “you” under the veneer. Don’t fear the unconscious bogeys; waltz boldly into that abyss. This philosophical fun-house dares you to grapple with the great uh-oh: there’s no authority, it’s just you! But that’s enlightening, if you’re groovy enough to go with it.
What's Our Problem?
What's Our Problem? is a deep and expansive analysis of our modern times, in the classic style of Wait But Why, packed with original concepts, sticky metaphors, and 300 drawings. The book provides an entirely new framework and language for thinking and talking about today's complex world. Instead of focusing on the usual left-center-right horizontal political axis, which is all about what we think, the book introduces a vertical axis that explores how we think, as individuals and as groups. Readers will find themselves on a delightful and fascinating journey that will ultimately change the way they see the world around them.