Portrait of Gary Snyder

Gary Snyder

Writer and Activist
Born: May 8, 1930

Gary Snyder is an American man of letters. Perhaps best known as a poet (often associated with the Beat Generation and the San Francisco Renaissance), he is also an essayist, lecturer, and environmental activist. He has been described as the "poet laureate of Deep Ecology". Snyder is a winner of a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the American Book Award. His work, in his various roles, reflects an immersion in both Buddhist spirituality and nature. Snyder has translated literature into English from ancient Chinese and modern Japanese. Snyder was an academic at the University of California, Davis and a member of the California Arts Council.


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Mentioned in 10 documents

Alan Watts

An Impolite Interview with Alan Watts

Watts challenges labels, questions conventions, and discusses Zen, religion, art, politics, and culture with unflinching honesty in this interview with the freethought mazagine The Realist. From the absurdity of societal norms to the interplay of detachment and liberation, every answer reveals a refreshing, thought-provoking perspective. Whether discussing poetry, nuclear disarmament, or the meaning of freedom, this conversation feels like a deep yet playful journey into the essence of being.

Alan Watts

Clarity of Mind

Watts reveals a simple truth to his audience at the University of California: the mind's incessant chatter is the root of all that ails a mortal's soul. By silencing its din one can get to know life's mystery.

Alan Watts

Ecological Awareness

When Alan Watts talked about the ‘mystical experience’ among scientific circles, he preferred to call it ‘ecological awareness’—referring to a state of mind in which a person ceases to feel separate from the environment in which he or she exists.

Alan Watts

Elliot Mintz Interviews Alan Watts

Philosopher Alan Watts reveals his fascination with Buddhism began in his teens. He urges fully experiencing the present moment by listening to sounds emerge from silence. Though concerned about social issues, he cautions against reactive anger. Watts sees humans as manifestations of an intelligent universe, not isolated egos. With humor and eloquence, he invites us to embrace the weird and follow our own path.

Alan Watts

Individual and the World

This seminar covers a variety of topics, from the illusion of our separation from the environment and the futility of trying to be genuine, all the way to the discipline required to handle mystical experiences in order to bring something back from them to share with the rest of the world. The presentation ends with his endorsement of insanity, saying a healthy amount of craziness in old age is necessary to prepare for a joyous death.

Alan Watts

Power of Space

Weaving connections between Eastern thought and modern science, Alan Watts explores the wonder of space. For him, space is no mere emptiness but a cosmic tapestry integral to existence. He draws parallels between space and the Buddhist void, seeing both as the interwoven ground of being that allows consciousness to emerge.

Alan Watts

Pursuit of Pleasure

Where does pleasure come from? What are we trying to achieve in our frantic day-to-day activities? Why are we in such a hurry? And why do all of our efforts to pin the universe down and bring it under our control dial up the misery?

Alan Watts

Self and Other

Alan coaxes the listener’s mind to simultaneously zoom in and zoom out in an effort to demonstrate that identity is merely an intellectual hallucination. Instead, personal identity is fluid, ranging from one’s constituent atoms and molecules all the way out to the farthest bounds of cosmic existence. Overcoming this mental myopia leads to greater harmony, contentment, and a desire to playfully dance with this universal energy system.

Alan Watts

Time and the Future

Immerse yourself in a mind-expanding seminar, where Watts illuminates the illusion of time and history, how our fixation on the future breeds anxiety, and how to break free and find fulfillment in the elusive present moment.

Alan Watts

Unapologetically Human

Lex Hixon interviews philospoher Alan Watts, who reads from his autobiography and discusses his views on life and the human condition.