One other way that may help unleash international cooperation more systematically would be to apply core design principles at multiple human scales, up to nation-states, to progressively transform planet Earth into a cooperative unit with a functional global governance.

What is the Noosphere? (2024)

Portrait of Clément Vidal

Clément Vidal

Philosopher, Researcher, and Speaker

Clément Vidal is a philosopher, researcher, and public speaker at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium. He is affiliated with the Evolution, Complexity, and Cognition Group, the Global Brain Institute, and the Center Leo Apostel. His work explores the origin of the universe, the far future of intelligence, and the emergence of a global brain or noösphere as a major evolutionary transition. Vidal co-founded the Evo Devo Universe research community and authored The Beginning and the End: The Meaning of Life in a Cosmological Perspective (2014). His homepage can be found at

His research bridges disciplines, integrating cosmology, astrobiology, philosophy, and complexity science. He has proposed groundbreaking ideas, including binary star systems as potential advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (“stellivores”) and the use of pulsars as a galactic positioning system. His focus extends to the ethical and spiritual implications of cosmic evolution and the noosphere.

Vidal’s interdisciplinary background includes three master’s degrees in philosophy, mathematical logic, and cognitive science. He has been a visiting researcher at the Berkeley SETI Research Center and is an advocate for integrating big questions across scientific and philosophical domains.

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