The Library of Consciousness

Evolution isn't done yet, it's just getting started.

The universe is aware of itself through all of us. Come get lost in The Library’s virtual aisles to find out more about this astounding revelation.

What fire can you expect to animate my good will? If I am to devote myself ardently and sincerely to the work of the cosmos, if I am to be able to compete on equal terms with the children of the earth, I must be convinced not only of the merit of what I do but of its value. I must believe in what I am doing.
Portrait of the author

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Cosmic Life


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82 documents

Focusing conscious awareness on the present moment non-judgmentally, observing sensations, thoughts, and feelings as they unfold to gain greater clarity, insight, and self-understanding.



29 documents

The concept that living systems self-organize by creating their own components and subsystems such that the network of production processes recursively generate the system’s identity.



101 documents

A philosophy focused on envisioning, articulating, evaluating, and guiding the current epoch towards generating maximal thriving for the whole of humanity and nature across all time horizons.



44 documents

The collective narratives, symbols, and beliefs of a culture or civilization, often explaining natural phenomena, origins, and societal values through symbolic storytelling.



36 documents

An overwhelming encounter with a presence or reality that is both awe-inspiring and beyond human understanding, evoking reverence, wonder, and an unsettling awareness of the divine.



20 documents

Linking multiple minds to share thoughts and subjective states amongst each other, both indirectly through spoken and written language, as well as directly with various sophisticated technologies.


Overview Effect

7 documents

A cognitive shift in awareness and perspective reported by some astronauts while viewing the Earth from orbit, often leading to profound changes in how they understand and relate to the planet and humanity.


Systems Theory

84 documents

An interdisciplinary field that studies complex systems in nature, society, and science, analyzing the relationships between the parts and how they give rise to the collective behaviors of a system as a whole.


Extended Mind

31 documents

A theory that cognitive processes extend beyond the brain and skull, incorporating external items such as computers to multiply the mind’s abilities.


Social Science

62 documents

A branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships among individuals within them.


Global Brain

83 documents

The emergent network of information and communication technologies linking humans and machines into an integrated, collective intelligence.



70 documents

A branch of philosophy focused on the nature and justification of knowledge, including the study of its scope and validity.


Eastern Philosophy

108 documents

Philosophical traditions originating in Asia and the Indian subcontinent, characterized by concepts such as nondualism, enlightenment, karma, and the transitory nature of the world.



62 documents

A highly interconnected and organized community of individuals functioning as a single organism.



8 documents

The process by which life arose from non-living matter on early Earth, marking the transition from chemistry to biology.



45 documents

A school of Mahayana Buddhism that aims to awaken enlightenment by directly pointing to the inherent wakefulness of the mind through meditation, practice, and transcendental wisdom passed from master to disciple.


Entropy and Syntropy

27 documents

The inevitable progression towards randomness and disorganization, and the counteracting emergence of order, complexity, and structured systems from chaotic states.



16 documents

Scientific study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.


Accelerating Change

86 documents

The observed exponential nature of the rate of technological and social change over time.



110 documents

The practical application of aggregated scientific knowledge and tools by organized human enterprise to leverage control over aspects of reality for solving problems and achieving desired outcomes.


Cosmic Consciousness

136 documents

An intuitive sense of the universal order, unity, and connection which arises through elevated spiritual awareness and mystical experience of the cosmic whole.



55 documents

The guiding thread that connects experiences, choices, and aspirations into a coherent direction, shaping one’s role in the greater whole and offering a sense of fulfillment in the journey of existence.



68 documents

Novel and coherent structures, patterns, and properties arising during the process of self-organization in complex systems.



21 documents

The study of how people and systems manage resources, make decisions, and balance needs with scarcity, focusing on production, trade, and the flow of goods, services, wealth, and energy.


Artificial Intelligence

49 documents

Engineered non-biological systems which can perform functions and behaviors typically requiring intelligence when performed by humans, such as reasoning, planning, learning, perception, creativity, and problem-solving.



144 documents

The process through which biological populations undergo transgenerational genetic change over time through mechanisms like natural selection and genetic drift.



56 documents

The scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.


Virtual Reality

8 documents

An immersive experience that simulates presence in interactive, computer-generated environments, extending human imagination into virtual spaces.



54 documents

The sense of who you are, shaped by your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and how you see yourself in relation to the world and others.



141 documents

The subjective experience of internal and external existence as processed by the mind, marked by awareness, perception, reasoning, knowledge, and judgment arising from sensory input and sophisticated brain functions.



16 documents

The scientific study of the nervous system, encompassing its structure, function, development, and the relationship between brain and behavior.



65 documents

A field studying the birth, layout, development and potential end states of the physical universe encompassing all matter and energy through scientific models and observation.



116 documents

The philosophical study of being, existence, and reality.



127 documents

A branch of philosophy concerned with the fundamental nature of reality, being, and existence.


Information Theory

26 documents

The study of how information is measured, transmitted, and preserved, focusing on optimizing communication by addressing uncertainty, noise, and efficiency in data exchange.



53 documents

Enhancing human capacities through technology to transcend biological constraints and evolve into a superior, post-human state.


Omega Point

58 documents

A spiritual concept describing the maximum level of complexity and consciousness which the universe is evolving towards.



72 documents

The sphere of human thought and collective consciousness that emerges from the interaction of minds on a global scale.



9 documents

The study of how ideas, behaviors, and cultural phenomena spread and evolve through communication, imitation, and social networks, much like genes or viruses in a biological system.



69 documents

Psychoactive substances that profoundly alter perception, mood, cognition, and other mental processes by activating brain receptors and causing changes in cognitive functioning and connectivity.



9 documents

The art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures to serve human needs and purposes.


New Additions

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A Masterclass from the Pioneer of Artificial Intelligence

Jürgen Schmidhuber

A Masterclass from the Pioneer of Artificial Intelligence


Jürgen Schmidhuber shares his insights on the evolution and future of AI. He discusses the development of self-improving AI systems, the concept of artificial curiosity, and the potential for machines to achieve creativity akin to humans. Schmidhuber also explores the implications of advanced AI on society, emphasizing the importance of aligning AI goals with human values to ensure beneficial outcomes. He envisions a future where AI contributes positively to various fields, including science, art, and technology.

01:01:56 8,595 8

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Introduction to a Scientific Study of the Phenomenon of Man


In one of his earliest writings on the topic, Teilhard de Chardin explores humanity’s unique place in evolution. He argues that humans represent an entirely new phase of life on Earth—the noosphere, or sphere of conscious thought. While physically similar to other primates, humans are revolutionary in their ability to use tools, form global connections, and reflect on their own existence. This self-awareness comes with both great power and great risk, as humans can choose to either advance or resist evolution’s push toward greater consciousness and unity.

10,401 31

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The Natural Environment and Religion

Alan Watts

The Natural Environment and Religion

Watts, ever the sage provocateur, meanders through the labyrinth of comparative religion, psychology, and cosmic consciousness. He critiques our scholastic obsessions and urges an experiential approach, blending the spiritual and material like a Zen gardener planting mysteries among truths. He laments our sterile materialism and bureaucratic rigidity, championing a dance with risk, creativity, and nonverbal wisdom. With tales of mystics, scientists, and madmen, he celebrates the spice of oddballs, the necessity of nonsense, and the ineffable richness of being alive.

59:09 8,156 11

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The Old and the New Vision

Herbert Günther

The Old and the New Vision


Herbert Günther reveals how ancient Tibetan Buddhist texts offer insights into consciousness that parallel modern scientific discoveries. The Tibetans viewed humans not as isolated beings, but as expressions of universal intelligence, describing three levels: the physical body, an experiential “phantom-like” body, and a mysterious deep structure. Their texts suggest that the universe itself is conducting a grand experiment through human consciousness—playfully creating new possibilities and evolving toward higher forms of order.

4,293 9

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A Beautiful Loop

Ruben Laukkonen and Shamil Chandaria

A Beautiful Loop

An Active Inference Theory of Consciousness


Laukkonen and Chandaria propose that consciousness arises from a recursive brain process involving three key elements: a reality model, competitive inferences reducing uncertainty, and a self-aware feedback loop. This framework explains various states of awareness, including meditation, psychedelic experiences, and minimal consciousness. It also offers insights into artificial intelligence by connecting awareness to self-reinforcing predictions. The authors’ theory suggests that consciousness emerges when the brain’s reality model becomes self-referential, creating a “knowing itself” phenomenon. This recursive process underlies different levels of conscious experience and potentially informs AI development.

Research Article
11,708 20

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The Living Machine

Warren McCulloch

The Living Machine


Warren McCulloch, a pioneering neurologist and mathematician, discusses his lifelong quest to understand the nature of numbers and human cognition. He explores the parallels between the human brain and complex computing machines, emphasizing the brain’s unique “anastomotic” structure. McCulloch ponders the future of artificial intelligence, suggesting that machines might one day surpass and outlive humans. His ideas blend mathematics, theology, and neuroscience, painting a thought-provoking picture of consciousness, technology, and the potential evolution of intelligence beyond human form.

09:35 1,134 3

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Unity in Contemplation

Alan Watts

Unity in Contemplation


Imagine peeling away the layers of your social self to reveal a cosmic peephole—that’s meditation, says Alan Watts, where you become the universe’s own eyeball, winking at itself. And here’s a divine chuckle: God’s not all furrowed brows and thunderbolts. Watts nudges us to float, not flail, through life’s spiritual circus. In a world gone madcap, he prescribes a dose of quiet contemplation—not as a grim duty, but as a playful plunge into life’s delicious absurdities.

02:00:02 12,771 7

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I Am That

Nisargadatta Maharaj

I Am That


In the heart of Mumbai’s bustling streets, a humble beedi shop owner named Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj delved deeply into the nature of existence, emerging with profound insights that have since captivated spiritual seekers worldwide. I Am That is a collection of his dialogues, where complex metaphysical concepts are unraveled with startling clarity and simplicity. Through conversations steeped in Advaita Vedanta, Maharaj guides readers beyond the illusion of individuality to the realization of their true, unbounded self. Each page invites you to question, reflect, and ultimately transcend the confines of the mind, offering not just philosophical musings, but a transformative experience that promises to change the very way you perceive reality. If you’re seeking a profound spiritual awakening, I Am That is not just a book—it’s a portal to understanding your true nature.


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Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens

Sara Walker and Lex Fridman

Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens


Sara Walker and Lex Fridman explore life’s grand mysteries, touching on the nature of existence and the origins of life to the potential of artificial intelligence and the future of consciousness. Walker’s unique perspective challenges conventional wisdom, inviting us to reconsider our place in the cosmic dance.

02:51:58 28,330 32

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Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine

Irving John Good

Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine


An ultra-intelligent machine is a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. The design of machines is one of these intellectual activities; therefore, an ultra-intelligent machine could design even better machines. To design an ultra-intelligent machine one needs to understand more about the human brain or human thought or both. The physical representation of both meaning and recall, in the human brain, can be to some extent understood in terms of a subassembly theory, this being a modification of Hebb’s cell assembly theory. The subassembly theory sheds light on the physical embodiment of memory and meaning, and there can be little doubt that both needs embodiment in an ultra-intelligent machine. The subassembly theory leads to reasonable and interesting explanations of a variety of psychological effects.

Research Article

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Why a Science of Mind Implies the Transcendence of Nature

Francisco Varela

Why a Science of Mind Implies the Transcendence of Nature

God and Computers: Minds, Machines, and Metaphysics (Part 5)


Have you ever wondered how your brain creates your conscious experience? Francisco Varela explores the intersection of science and spirituality, offering a fresh perspective on the age-old mind-body problem. Drawing inspiration from Buddhist teachings, he argues that our everyday human experience is the key to unlocking the mysteries of consciousness. Varela proposes a research program called neurophenomenology, which aims to bridge the gap between brain activity and subjective experience. Through engaging examples and insightful explanations, he demonstrates how the exploration of consciousness can lead to both scientific advancements and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

01:11:42 9,131 5

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How It Is

Viola Cordova

How It Is

The Native American Philosophy of V. F. Cordova


Viola Cordova was the first Native American woman to receive a PhD in philosophy. Even as she became an expert on canonical works of traditional Western philosophy, she devoted herself to defining a Native American philosophy. Although she passed away before she could complete her life’s work, some of her colleagues have organized her pioneering contributions into this provocative book. In three parts, Cordova sets out a complete Native American philosophy. First she explains her own understanding of the nature of reality itself—the origins of the world, the relation of matter and spirit, the nature of time, and the roles of culture and language in understanding all of these. She then turns to our role as residents of the Earth, arguing that we become human as we deepen our relation to our people and to our places, and as we understand the responsibilities that grow from those relationships. In the final section, she calls for a new reverence in a world where there is no distinction between the sacred and the mundane. Cordova clearly contrasts Native American beliefs with the traditions of the Enlightenment and Christianized Europeans (what she calls “Euroman” philosophy). By doing so, she leads her readers into a deeper understanding of both traditions and encourages us to question any view that claims a singular truth. From these essays—which are lucid, insightful, frequently funny, and occasionally angry—we receive a powerful new vision of how we can live with respect, reciprocity, and joy.


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